Latest Tip:
Wicker, cane, willow, and bamboo furniture is best washed with
lukewarm salted water to which one tablespoon of baking soda and
salt per per quart. If swelled by rain, dry carefully, then rub
lightly with linseed oil. It pays to protect this type of
furniture with a coat of white shellac if it’s not painted. |
TIP 1 - Antique furniture should never be
"polished" or cleaned with commercial cleaning products or
polishes. Instead, use a soft cloth sprayed with some glass cleaner.
- To remove stains from stoneware dishes, soak them for 24 hours or more in one gallon of hot water in which two denture cleaner tablets have been dissolved.
TIP 3 - Never use furniture oil such
as lemon oil on antique furniture. Just wipe it with a damp cloth or use
only clear paste wax (Minwax or beeswax) to keep the wood in good
- To prevent
mildew damage to old photographs and art work hung on damp or outside
walls, tape or glue a sheet of plastic to the back to create a vapor
Use only
white glue to adhere broken pieces of porcelain, stoneware, or pottery
together. After applying glue, press pieces together and shift slightly
for a tight fit. Wipe off excess glue from both sides with a damp cloth
and let dry. Use masking tape to hold pieces snuggly while drying if
TIP 6 - To
remove minor water marks on furniture, use a mixture of Vaseline and
ashes. Sift 2 tablespoons of fine wood ashes with a dab of Vaseline or
cooking oil to form a paste. Using a circular motion, work the paste
into the surface with a soft cloth until the white ring
TIP 7 -
use rust-remover on china as it can remove the glaze or protective
coating of the china. Also, calcium, lime or rust-remover products
should not be used on gold or platinum-banded crystal because these
items can stain or permanently change the color of the metal-banding.
TIP 8 - Wear
cotton gloves as much as possible when handling your silver. This will
prevent the oils and acids from your hands from ending up on the object.
Cotton gloves are very inexpensive, and can be purchased at photography
supply stores and some drug stores.
TIP 9 -
Burn marks can be taken out of furniture with fine steel wool, a razor
blade, a scalpel or craft knife. The shallow hole that results may be
filled by artists' oil colors, mixed with linseed oil, or if a glossy
finish is desired, with varnish, or mixed with turpentine, it will be
matt. A filler can also be made from colored beeswax, from powder stain
mixed with a medium such as epoxy resin, or shellac mixed with powder
TIP 10 -
ivory, horn, and marble should be lightly dusted with a soft brush or
dry, soft cloth. Keep these objects out of direct sunlight, since they
may dry out and become brittle. Always handle these objects with care
when moving them.
TIP 11
- Don't put delicate crystal in the dishwasher as it can become
"cloudy" from the heat, detergent and vibration-wear of the
machine. Crystal also chips easily. Modern china can sometimes be put in
the dishwasher, but make sure that the words "dishwasher safe"
appear on the back of the china before placing it in the machine.
TIP 12
To remove stubborn sediment from old glass bottles, fill them
with a strong solution of lye and cold water. Let it stand for
two days. Most sediment will soften and can then be removed with
a bottle brush. Wash and rinse the bottle several times to
remove all traces of lye. Be sure to wear protective eye glasses
and rubber gloves when working with the lye solution.
TIP 13
Wood pieces respond well to furniture polishes. On flat
surfaces such as boxes and plaques, apply the polish as directed
on the bottle using an old white athletic sock. On carved or
turned surfaces with crevices, saturate a cotton swab with
polish, and work it into openings, removing the excess with a
soft cloth or a dry cotton swab. Sometimes it is easier to
remove. embedded dirt or excess polish with a toothpick.
TIP 14
Keep drawer side and runners soaped or waxed using odds and ends
of leftover bar soap or candle stubs. Their operation will be
greatly improved, and you’ll prevent a large amount of wear.
TIP 15
Wood pieces respond well to furniture 'polishes. On flat
surfaces such as boxes and plaques, apply the polish as directed
on the bottle. On carved or turned surfaces with crevices,
saturate a cotton swab with polish, and work it into openings,
removing the excess with a soft cloth or a dry cotton swab.
Sometimes it is easier to remove. embedded dirt or excess polish
with a toothpick.
TIP 16 -
To clean antique marble tops, take two parts baking soda, one
part pumice stone, and one part finely powdered chalk and sift
together through a fine sieve. Mix with water, then rub well
over marble to remove the stains. Wash the marble with soap and
water and dry with a soft cloth.
TIP 17
When the inside of an oil lamp chimney becomes coated with smoke
residue, wipe it out with newspaper. Handle chimneys carefully.
TIP 18
To clean the insides of decanters, cruets, and other cut glass
vessels, fill them half with hot water and a small handful of
birdshot. Shake vigorously for several minutes until all crusts
and discolorations disappear. Empty the vessel, fill half with
hot water, and two tablespoons of ammonia, shake again. Empty,
rinse, and drain the vessel.
TIP 19
Wicker, cane, willow, and bamboo furniture is best washed with
lukewarm salted water to which one tablespoon of baking soda and
salt per per quart. If swelled by rain, dry carefully, then rub
lightly with linseed oil. It pays to protect this type of
furniture with a coat of white shellac if it’s not painted.
TIP 20
To remove mildew and mold from books, papers, and documents,
brush it off with an old toothbrush. If paper is damp, put it in
an oven for 12 hours at low temperature (200 degrees F.).
TIP 21
Never use an automatic dishwasher to wash antique glass. Hot
water, strong detergents, and general tumbling are all damaging.
In fact, any glass with a deteriorated surface should be washed
seldom as possible and preferably never. Hand wash antique
glassware in a plastic dishpan with lukewarm water and a mild
detergent. Rinse carefully and dry with a soft lint-free cloth.
TIP 22
Many 19th-century clocks have reverse painted glass panels in
their doors. These should not be cleaned directly and certainly
never varnished. To keep them from flaking, cut a piece of white
acid-free blotting paper, found online or in an art supply
store, and carefully wedge it against the back of the painted to
prevent further peeling. Never use glue to attach it.
Tip 23
- To clean Japanned or lacquered trays use a sponge and lukewarm
soapy water. Never use hot water as this can cause the Japanning
to scale off. Having wiped the tray dry, sprinkle it was a
little flour, let rest a while, then rub off with a soft cloth
and finish with a silk handkerchief. While heat marks are
difficult to remove, you can sometimes gets results with a piece
of flannel dipped in sweet oil, followed by rubbing with another
piece of flannel moistened with alcohol.
Tip 24
To preserve the value of antique and vintage toys, the best
method is to largely leave them alone. Toys are often ruined by
cleaning and attempted repair. Above all, do not attempt to
repaint a toy as this will definitely affect its value. The best
treatment for any antique or vintage toy is one that halts
further deterioration. A thin coat of Minwax Paste Wax may be
all that's needed—but only do
it once. Use a light machine oil to keep moving parts of
tin-plate and cast-iron toys in operation.
Tip 25
To clean objects made of papier-mache, wipe them with a sponge
wrung out from cold water, but do not use soap. Dredge the
object lightly with flour while still damp, let stand, wipe off,
and polish with a silk rag.
Tip 26
True ormolu is gold leaf overlaid on brass or bronze as a
decorative element on furniture, clocks, and candelabra. Dust it
carefully and infrequently with a natural-bristle hairbrush.
Handle only with cotton gloves. Do not wash, rub, or polish
Tip 27
- Steel wool is an abrasive. It comes in a variety of grades and knowing
which grade to use to clean and which grade can be confusing. The
coarsest grade is #4 and the finest is #0000. When dealing with
antiques, it’s best to err on the side of the finer grades #000 or
#0000. And always test an small area first to make sure the grade being
used doesn’t scratch the surface.
Tip 28
- DON'T refinish a piece of antique furniture, especially one made
before 1830, unless you have tried every alternative—and consulted
Tip 29
- To remove rust, spray white
distilled vinegar on the stain, sprinkle on some baking soda,
then scrub with a ball of aluminum foil---be sure to go with the
grain to avoid scratching.
Tip 30 -
To restore a model of a
19th-century sailing ship, research should be done to determine
the type boat---fully rigged ship/bark/brig—that you’re working
with. Wooden parts of the ship should be restored just as they
would be on a full-size vessel, and the rigging is more
complicated on these boats and takes time and patience.
Tip 31
- Never mend a tear on old paper with transparent tape of any kind. The
tape will harden, distorting the paper, and removing it without causing
further injury and discoloration to the paper is virtually impossible.
Tip 32
- To make sure drawers on older furniture slide easily, especially in
damp weather, rub the slides with a softer bar of soap like Ivory.
Repeat as needed to keep the drawers sliding smoothly.
Tip 33
- Rubbing a walnut directly over a scratch or ding in the wood can
restore a piece of furniture. Simply rub a walnut several times over a
scratch in the wood, then rub the scratched area with your fingers.
Tip 34
Remove stains on well-glazed china by soaking in a mixture of
household bleach and water for as long as necessary.
Tip 35
All plastics are degraded by exposure to light, heat, moisture,
and pollutants. Decreasing exposure to agents of deterioration
will decrease their degradation.
Tip 36
To improve the appearance of scratches in glassware, gather a
lint-free cloth, a non-gel toothpaste (one with baking soda is
even better) and a damp cloth. First, clean the glass well and
dry it using the lint-free cloth. Apply a dollop of toothpaste
to the soft cloth and rub it into the scratch using a circular
Tip 37
Do NOT use any cleaners that contain ammonia or ammonia, itself,
to clean ancient, old, or newer bronze.
Tip 38
To clean Iron and steel, wash with warm water and a small amount
of mild detergent. Dry thoroughly, then rub with turpentine to
remove and oils or grease. Or use a rust-removing product like
Navel Jelly for badly rusted surfaces. Rinse thoroughly, dry
with a soft cloth, then sit to air dry for several days. Put
cast-iron pieces in a 200-degree or less oven for an hour or so.
Tip 39
- Antique glass that’s on display should be washed only when necessary
but should be dusted frequently.
Tip 40
Wash antique or vintage pottery by hand in tepid water with a
mild detergent—a tablespoon of detergent to a quart of water,
well mixed before pottery is put in.
Tip 41
Don’t use linseed oil in any form on antique furniture, since
the polymerized surface it forms when dry is too tough.
Tip 42
Don’t let copper, brass, or bronze come in contact with salts,
rubber, or other tarnish encouraging substances. Check regularly
for tarnish and immediately clean the metal to prevent it from
tarnishing further and possibly pitting.
Tip 43
To clean lacquered toleware use a sponge and lukewarm soapy
water. Never use hot water as this can cause the lacquer to
scale off. Having wiped the tray dry, sprinkle it with a little
flour, let it rest a while, then rub it off with a soft cloth
and finish with a silk handkerchief.
Tip 44
- Never attach old documents, maps, old advertisements, and such to
cardboard which can lead to staining. Instead, use 100 percent rag board
following correct mounting instructions.
Tip 45
To clean lenses on antique and vintage cameras, use only a
blower and lens brush combination or a special lens cleaning kit
with special cleaning solution and paper wipes. Before using a
wipe, wrinkle it first to soften it before applying a drop or
two of solution to it. NEVER use window cleaner to clean lenses.
Tip 46
NEVER refinish antique furniture. This is especially important
for antique painted pieces. Arbitrary stripping and refinishing
to create a “natural” finish ruins the value of the pieces.
Refinishing clear-finished pieces destroys the patina.
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