Toasty Warm on a Cold
Winter's Night
by Bob Brooke
things compare to the cozy warmth provided by a hot water bottle. Before
the invention of the rubber hot water bottle, most people used one made
of stoneware. Though these were heavy and clunky, they served the
Most people had one hot water bottle in the house. Made of stoneware, a
white clay fired at a high temperature and glazed so that it resembled
polished stone, so most people called it just a “stone.” However, the
Scottish children saw a bit of whimsy in them, believing that they
looked like a little pig, so they coined the name “Bed Pig.” Actually,
the name “pig” isn’t related to pigs at all. It's a Scottish word for a
round pot.
The seals on these bottles weren’t very good, so naturally people used
them only when it was bitterly cold. Often the stone cap would be
replaced with a cork to seal in the hot water. Though they were heavy,
they could still crack and leak, which would burn whoever was in bed and
make the bed wet.

Some mothers believed that it was healthy to get into a cold bed. In
winter it was usually very cold in bed, as most people didn’t light
fires in their bedrooms for fear of falling asleep with the fire going.
Also, windows had single glazing, not like the multiple glazing of those
today. It wasn’t uncommon for people to wake up to ice on the insides of
their windows from frozen condensation.
hot water bottles had been around since the early 19th century and
perhaps before. The idea was to fill them with hot water, close the
stopper securely and stand them in a bed, upright, on their small flat
ends so that the sheets and blankets formed a tent-like structure over
them. The peak of the '”ent” was the special feature of the rounded knob
opposite the flat end, which also served as a carrying handle. One of
the primary manufacturers of stoneware hot water bottles was Langley
Ware of England.
People believed that using the hot water bottle this way heated more of
the bed, but it was an unstable arrangement and the “tent” would have
been quite small, as even with the knob to give extra height, the hot
water bottle, itself, stood only about a foot tall. To make sure the
entire bed warmed up, users would move them around in the bed
periodically for an hour or two before climbing into bed.
stoneware hot water bottle also called a foot warmer. The stoneware hot
water bottle was cylindrical but also had a flat side. Ladies would fill
the bottle with hot water and lay it on its side on the floor in front
of a chair by the fire. Since they wore long dresses, they could take
off their shoes and place their feet on the rounded top of the bottle,
then pull the skirt of their dress over their feet to hide them. This
way no one could see that they had taken off their shoes and were
warming their feet. They often took these bottles with them in the
carriage when the weather was very cold, doing much the same thing as
they did in their parlors.
Hot water was also used in glass or ceramic pots that sealed in the hot
water with a cork. Not many glass hot water bottles survived but the
ceramic containers continued in production for many years well into the
20th century. Other examples are boots hot water bottle.
Because they were mass produced and very robust, many stoneware hot
water bottles have survived, so their antique value isn’t a lot. But
many can still be used today and will be for years to come to keep
people warm and toasty on a cold winter’s night.
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